I bumped into a friend recently who said he recognised me from afar because he spotted my hair do. By hair do he meant my mum bun also known as the top knot. It made me realise that I've been rocking this look for way too long but you know if it ain't broke and all that. Plus it's just so easy and since having Dolly easy is good, easy is verrry good. So I thought I would share some of my other easy to do hair styles that I use on repeat a bit like Dolly's dinners.
Firstly the key is to wash your hair at night. Who has time in the morning? Not me! I wash mine every other night with Philip Kingsley's Flaky/Itchy Scalp Shampoo (I have a sensitive scalp, poor me) and Moisture Balancing Conditioner. And because I just can't be bothered and would much rather watch Corrie on the sofa I let it dry naturally. The next morning I wash my fringe in the sink (no one wants a greasy fringe) and blow dry that plus give the rest a bit of a boost by adding dry shampoo for a bit of texture.
Firstly the key is to wash your hair at night. Who has time in the morning? Not me! I wash mine every other night with Philip Kingsley's Flaky/Itchy Scalp Shampoo (I have a sensitive scalp, poor me) and Moisture Balancing Conditioner. And because I just can't be bothered and would much rather watch Corrie on the sofa I let it dry naturally. The next morning I wash my fringe in the sink (no one wants a greasy fringe) and blow dry that plus give the rest a bit of a boost by adding dry shampoo for a bit of texture.
There are lots of awesome tutorials online with step by step guides on how to create the perfect mum bun but I'm going to tell you how I do mine which is pretty simple. I scrape up my hair as if to put it in a high pony. Instead of pulling the hair completely through the hairband I tie it around my hair when it's only halfway through so you have a sort of bent over ponytail going on. I then stretch it out and pin it into shape using kirby grips and seal the deal with a burst of L'Oreal Elnett Very Volume Extra Strength Hairspray Ta da!

I'm pretty sure you've got this.

Part your hair as if you were making two low pigtails and plait each side. Fasten with small clear bands. Loosen and mess up the plaits. Then using grips pin each side up one at a time tucking the last one's end into the plait that is already in place. Finish with hairspray.

Part your hair as if you are making two high pigtails and then create your mum buns as described above.
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